"i come with empty hands and a desire to unbuild walls"
- ursula k. le guin, the dispossessed: an ambiguous utopia
"i'll play it first and tell you what it is later"
- miles davis
"non-predatory means fair means meritocracy (as oppose to nepotism or unearned privilege)"
honest meritocracy == freedom
(focus on your craft)
(whenever we meet a new being, we see sui generis potential)
(WE ROLL WITH exuberance && subversion)
(everything is dogma)
(nothing is really dual)
(WE ROLL WITH affection && rigor)
(the future does not need to be like the past)
(there is only infinity, everywhere you look)
beautiful > ugly
explicit > implicit
simple > complex
complex > complicated
flat > nested
sparse > dense
dad's photographies, circa ~1990s