Only individuals make choices; collective entities do not choose
.dear anon, i couldn't be more grateful for [ your love, friendship, && support ] over the years. 

.yet, as in any (pulp) fiction, there must be a finale, and this conceptual project has now completed its narrative

.i now embrace a more private life, committed to my work on decentralized protocols, privacy, && finance.

.it has been a pleasure having you close as i unfolded my innermost journey while playing && laughing > at/with archaic societal stigmas.

.i wish you the courage && the joy ] to become your higher selfto love with purity, && to continue advocating for free-thought && self-sovereignty ] in our unbounded reality.

.the only real fight is
virtue (bliss) x fear (hate).
(everything else is an illusion; you are allowed to disengage)

.focus on your craft.
(everything has always a solution; compromising is losing a slice of oneself; builders are gods)


this is  hbar, the  
planck constant /2ℼ 
from quantum mechanics
(or the planet saturn)

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